Where do we race?

You can find Milrock trackside at club, regional, and national events. Most commonly you will find us testing and racing at Badger Kart Club, Road America Kart Club, Route 66 Kart Racing Series, and select national events. Contact us for more detail as schedules are always subject to change due to possible event overlapping.

Join the team

Milrock offers a wide variety of support and training opportunities. If you are looking to gain an accurate knowledge of both on and off track karting skills, our team is the right place for you. Being a part of our team will give you the tools needed to gain the most out of your racing experience. Join us at club, regional,or national events.

Contact us for team program options/details: info@kartmilrock.com

Winning process


It is very easy to be sold the dream and throw money at motorsports. But the truth is that if you do not have the correct guidance you will have a terrible experience. Let us show you how to get the most out of the cash you spend. Milrock will help you understand the process that will bring you from mid-pack driver to race winner!